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6 stories to start your day for Monday, December 14

New cases of COVID-19 cases this weekend

Among new case counts of COVID-19 this past weekend, Public Health Sudbury and Districts reported one new case as did the Porcupine Health Unit today as did the Timiskaming Health Unit. While the exposure categories vary, each case is self isolating and contact tracing is underway.

COVID-19 exposure advisory given to air passengers

A COVID-19 exposure advisory has been issued for two flights into Northern Ontario. According to the Porcupine Health Unit, the first was a Dec. 2 AC flight at 1:35 p.m from Toronto to Timmins. People in rows 1 to 5 are asked to self-isolate immediately. The other passengers are advised to self-monitor. There second was the Thursday, Dec. 3rd Air Creebec flight just after 9:30am from Timmins to Moosonee, to Peawanuck.

Residents able to get out during a house fire in Sault Ste Marie

Residents were able to get out without injury, during a Sunday-morning house fire in Sault Ste Marie. It happened near the Albert/Bruce downtown intersection. Sault Ste. Marie Fire Services received its initial call to the 300 block Albert Street East just before 10:30 a.m. The fire was declared under control 10 minutes later.

Gail Degagne appointed Mayor of Chisholm township

Chisholm township has a new Mayor. Gail Degagne. Council members appointed a replacement for long-time mayor Leo Jobin who stepped down due to health concerns. Degagne, who joined council following the 2018 election to fill a vacated seat will begin her duties in 2021.

Missing woman – Greater Sudbury resident Gretchen Gudrunas

Greater Sudbury Police are asking for the public’s assistance to locate missing woman. Gretchen Gudrunas. She was last seen in the Howey Drive area on Dec. 11. Gretchen is described as being 5’7” tall, medium build, with long, straight blonde hair. Anyone with information is asked to contact Police.

City of North Bay eyeing 3.36% tax levy increase

North Bay city council is will hear a proposal this week and 3.36 per cent increase to the municipal tax levy later this month. This follows a series of budget discussions in recent weeks. The levy, or how much it costs to run the city, currently sits just short of $97 million going into 2021. That is $3.1 million, or 3.36 per cent, over the past year 2020.

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