Manitoulin Island bridge hold-up explained

Traffic was halted again over the past week, on Manitoulin Island… commuters hoping to navigate over the North Channel from Little Current were left on shore, while a switch failure prevented the bridge from closing. The MTO

Five staff fired from Pioneer Manor

Reports say that Five front-line staff at Pioneer Manor have been fired for sharing images some are calling ‘inappropriate’. Reports say the complaint came in from a Pioneer Manor staff member prompted the investigation. The Manor says

School getting new child-care space

The new Woodland School in North Bay has received a boost. $2.7 million from the Ministry of Education will now go to construct a new child care facility. The newly constructed facility will be an addition to

Black truck spotted in residence break-in.

The Timmins Police and Crime Stoppers are looking for a number of individuals, suspected of theft. Constable Marc Depatie says that it all began when a persons attended a private residential property off of Connaught Road. They

Final boarding call for Porter

Porter Airlines, is flying out of North Bay this fall. Despite landing in a buzz in the fall of 2015 it has only been able to complete two years of a five-year contract… due to low ridership.

Two arrested in Timmins

Two people are facing charges after an dust with security and police at the stars and thunder festival in Timmins. It happened Monday night. A 32-year-old man and a 54-year-old man are facing a number of charges

Noise issue down at the water

At North Bay City Council, the issue of noise came up last night, more specifically…. From the Boat restaurant on the waterfront. The complaints are centred on music that emanates during the summer weekends after 11pm. According