On Air
Great Music!

I’m sure everyone has experienced that feeling of trying to accomplish something we feel is important when along comes something or someone to interrupt us. In my home there have been many times I’ve had tasks to accomplish and before you know it someone’s tapping you on the shoulder trying to get your attention, or you’re cleaning up an unexpected mess or driving to pick someone up, and we’ve had to hit the pause button and put the things we thought were a priority on hold.
I love the story in the Bible when Jesus was blessing the children and the disciples tried to send them away- as I’m sure they must have looked like a distraction and an interruption to Jesus. But instead, he pauses and gathers the children to himself and lets his disciples know that the children are loved and are precious to him.
Many times, the interruptions in my busy day that make me pause are often the times where I get to catch my breath and truly be present with the ones God has placed in my life. I can attempt to schedule my day down to the last detail, but lately I’ve realized that when I’ve paused to look at a drawing my daughter has made or taken time to really listen to a problem they’re having at school, or when I sit with my husband and really listen when he shares his day with me, these interruptions become blessings.
Many times the still small voice of my Heavenly Father also speaks to me in the midst of my busyness and when I pause and lay down my agenda, and take the time to hear what he wants to say to me, He orders my steps, he guides me and leads me, and my day becomes one filled with peace and I begin to welcome his Holy interruptions, as there’s nothing more beautiful than walking and talking with Jesus throughout my day.
So, I want to encourage you to see interruptions as an opportunity and a blessing to pause and to be present in the lives of our neighbours and our loved ones and most importantly our heavenly Father.

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