On Air
Great Music!

We just celebrated Mothers day and I feel like I just got poured on by my kiddos with so much love! My heart is so full and I wanted to take some time to pass on a little of what I’ve received and tell all of you who are young Moms or older moms adopted moms, maybe spiritual moms or teachers (who often become a second mom to so many), or perhaps you just have a mothers heart and have shared love with those that have never experienced that before


I just want to say  “You are amazing”! What you do every day matters even when it’s not always seen or noticed, Every load of laundry, every good night kiss, every school lunch you make, every book you read, every cuddle, and every heart to heart, every listening ear, every word of encouragement,  every I love you, all of these things are such lasting gifts that build character, and make children big or little feel valued and accepted, safe, seen and loved.


Mom’s, never doubt your worth or that what you do and say makes a difference. I promise you it does. It will not always be easy and It will definitely not be the most glamorous job, but our heavenly father walks with you guides you and promises to never leave your side both when the sun is shining and when the dark clouds come.

Today I hope you feel loved and appreciated and if you listen you will hear the voice of Father saying” I love you, well done”!

Happy Mothers Day!


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